CHAT BAR Englishのトピック一覧
- What are the 3 main types of Japanese words? 2023/12/15 09:08
- Loan words with kanji 2023/12/13 09:18
- Katakana isn't just for loanwords! 2023/12/11 09:13
- Usages of okurigana that you didn't know 2023/12/08 09:14
- Do Japanese people still use classical kanji? 2023/12/06 09:19
- What to eat in Japan in winter? 2023/12/04 09:08
- Why do kanji have so many readings? 2023/12/01 09:06
- Do Japanese have their own kanji? 2023/11/30 09:12
- What are ゐ (ヰ) and ゑ (ヱ) ? 2023/11/27 09:07
- Japanese do not want to use kanji! 2023/11/24 09:06