What are the 3 main types of Japanese words?
Japanese linguistics traditionally uses the division of words according to their origin into three groups:
- words formed from original Japanese elements 和語 /wago/ (e.g., 音い /kurai/ dark);
- words formed from borrowed Chinese elements 漢語 /kango/ (e.g., 影響 /eikyo:/ influence);
- words borrowed from European languages, primarily English 外来語 /gairaigo/ (e.g., サッカー/sakka:/ football).
Such a classification is somewhat unusual in view of the traditional division of vocabulary into only two layers (original and borrowed vocabulary), which is based on the material of European languages. In the Japanese language, as we can see, a special approach to the classification of vocabulary has developed.
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In addition, Japonists also point to the presence of mixed-type units in the Japanese language (words of this composition are also called "hybrid"). Units of the mixed type are represented by complex words, the parts of which are two or more simple words of different origin. So, there are mixed words, the constituent parts of which are represented by the words 漢語/kango/ and 和語/wago/, for example, 重箱 /ju:bako/ food box (kango 重 /ju:/ accumulation + wago 箱 /hako/ box); also 漢語 /kango/ and 外来語/gairaigo/, for example, 食パン/shokupan/ toast (kango 食 /shoku/ to eat + gairago パン/pan/ bread).
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What is the ratio of the indicated types of words in the Japanese language? The share of kango words is approximately 47.5%, wago — 36.7%, gairigo — 9.8%, and mixed words — 6%. At the same time, the ratio of these layers differs significantly in different spheres of Japanese language functioning. In written texts, especially of a socio-political or scientific nature, the proportion of kango will be much higher; in oral speech, wago units will come first, as they are easier to perceive by ear; in texts aimed at young people, the words gairaigo will make up a significant share.
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What examples of mixed-type words do you know? Share in the comments!
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