How to prevent getting a heatstroke in the summer!
There are two main ways to prevent from getting a heatstroke:

1. Make sure that you are hydrated
This is especially important in the summer as many of us tent to forget to drink water throughout the day. You should drink some water before you start to get too thirsty; if you have a hard time reminding yourself to drink water, there are apps available, such as Plant Nanny and Aqualert, to remind you to drink water for free in the App Store!

2. Replace the natural salts that you lose when you sweat
Although many people know how important it is to hydrate during the summer, it is also important to replenish your natural salts, especially when you are sweating a lot. As Japan is very humid during the summer, many people sweat a lot more when they are outside, even if it's only a quick walk outside! Therefore it is extra important to take in salt before you lose too much. Easy ways to get some salt into your body are salt candies. Many convenient stores and supermarkets sell salt candies or salt tablets for a very cheap price- it may be a good idea to buy a pack of them just in case.

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If you do get a heatstroke/If someone is suffering from a heat stroke:

- Call an ambulance
It is important to get medical attention as soon as possible, but if the ambulance cannot get there quickly, do the following things to help speed recovery:

- Move to a cooler place/area
It is best if it is indoors with air conditioning to cool them off, however if you are outside and there are no buildings near you (like a field or park) then try to look for some shade to lay the person down.

- Remove clothes and just cool down
Pour water on exposed skin and fan them down, if you have ice packs, place under the nape, armpits, and between the thighs to cool down blood running through the veins. Try to cool down as quickly as you can.

- (If possible,) hydrate and replenish salt
Cold drinks will help cool down the temperature of the surface of the stomach. If you or the person you are taking care of lost a lot of sweat, it might be better to drink sports drinks or oral rehydration solutions (経口補水液, keikouhosuieki) to replenish salt and hydrate. Saltwater is also effective (Add 1~2g of salt to a liter of water). If the person you are taking care of is conscious enough to answer you when you talk to them then it is a good idea to get them to drink water, however if they look like they're unconscious or they are not able to answer you then do not give them water as they may choke. If they are throwing up or about to throw up, it is a sign that their stomachs are numbing, and it is a good idea to not give them water.
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