When do Japanese exchange presents?
1. Gift-giving culture
In Japan, many gifts are given throughout the year. Then, in the end, you will return the gift in return. So, gift-giving culture is about giving things to people and giving something in return.

New Year's greetings (年賀)
At home, sweets and tea (fresh tea) are often given, and at work, towels and calendars are often given.

Money given to a child by relatives and visitors (お年玉)
An adult puts money in a New Year's gift bag and hands it directly to the child.

Coming-of-Age Ceremonies (成人式)
Each region has its own coming-of-age ceremony.

Valentine's Day (バレンタインデー)
Women give chocolates, etc. to men

White day (ホワイトデー)
A man gives a gift to a woman in return.

Graduation Celebrations (卒業祝い)
Give money or other things as a gift.

Entrance ceremonies / Joining the company (入学祝い・入社祝い)
Give money or other things as a gift.

Bon / Year-end gift (お中元・お歳暮)
Food and other items are often delivered from department stores.
It is done as a greeting or thank you to someone who has helped you.
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2. A culture of giving back
The celebration given when a baby is born is called a 出産祝い. The person who received the birth gift will give a family 内祝い gift in return. You can give something that is about half the amount of the 出産祝い received.
When people receive congratulations at weddings, school entrance ceremonies, etc., they often give 内祝い in return.
Japanese also send お見舞い to those who are hospitalized. The person who received the sympathy gift, after being discharged from the hospital, will receive 快気祝い in return. The celebration of recovery also has the meaning of letting people know that their illness has improved.
If you bring a condolence gift 香典 to a funeral, you will receive a gift of your choice when you return from the ceremony 香典返し.
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3. Culture of Souvenirs
When many Japanese people go on vacation, they don't forget to buy souvenirs for the people around them. In particular, if you take paid leave at work. It is common for people to buy souvenirs as a way of saying thank you. However, giving souvenirs to people at work is not an obligation, but a matter of feeling. It doesn't have to be an expensive expression; it is important to express your gratitude.

Have you given/received presents in Japan? Share in the comments!
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