Many people have probably been surprised when they were walking on the sidewalk when a bicycle came from behind and suddenly rang the bell. When you hear a bell ringing loudly, it can make you uncomfortable and make you feel nervous. Let's know what to do in such a situation and how to ride a bicycle correctly.
Don’t ring the bicycle bell !!!
According to the Road Traffic Act, bicycles are classified as light vehicles and are classified as “cars”, and bells are classified as “warning horns” and are treated the same as car horns. The act of ringing a bicycle bell is treated as “using a horn”, and Article 54, Paragraph 2 of the Road Traffic Act states that “The driver of a vehicle, etc. must sound a horn in accordance with the provisions of the law”. It is clearly stipulated that the alarm shall not be sounded unless it is designated as such. For example, at the places with special signs or dangerous situations.
In other words, don't ring the bell to scare away pedestrians in front of you. This is because pedestrians have priority on the sidewalk, and if you are about to collide with a pedestrian, you must stop or get off your bicycle to ensure the pedestrian's safety. If you are unsure about bicycle rules, it may be a good idea to consult your local police box or police station.
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