How to behave at the funeral (2)
3. Meals
After the incense burning is finished, you will be asked to go straight to the venue where you will have your meal. If you are asked to do so, please do not hesitate to sit down for a while and talk with the people around you or the family of the deceased while you eat. Of course, you don't have to stay long; you can sit and eat for a while and then leave before everyone else.
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4. Help
Please think about how you can help your loved ones. For the surviving family members, holding a funeral can be very hectic. At funerals, people other than family members are often asked to help with the reception. For example you can do it by asking, 受付をお手伝いましょうか(“Shall I help you with the reception?”).
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5. Family funeral
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of family funerals in which only family members can attend. So even if you cannot attend, let's express our condolences. You can send flowers or other gifts(供え物), but don't forget to check with the funeral home and prepare other arrangements.
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