Helpful guide to receive instructions at work
1. Receive instructions
When you are called at work, go to the person who called you immediately. Bring something with you, such as a notebook and a pen for taking notes.
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2. Confirm instructions
Confirm the instructions by repeating what the other person said. If the other person's language is difficult, try rephrasing it in your own words and listen until you understand.
Ambiguous expressions may be misunderstood unless they are confirmed with specific numbers. For example, when someone says今日(Today), it may mean different things.
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3. Responding to instructions
Basically, you cannot refuse instructions from your superior. If you are instructed to do something urgent, but the task you are currently working on is more urgent, you should respond properly.
1 Show that you have understood the instructions
2 Explain the situation with another urgent work
3 Clearly state when you can start work
4 Confirm the two tasks
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4 Ambiguous instructions
In Japanese there are some expressions that are difficult to understand when they are instructions.
1) 〜てもらうと助かるですけれどなあ=〜することを期待している
It will be helpful, if you…=I want you to…
it will be easier to see if you organize it = I want you to organize it
Isn't it a bit hot=I want you to lower the temperature
When you receive an ambiguous instruction like that, say 「それでは〜しましょうか」(Then, I will do...) or you can confirm what the other person wants.
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