Yakuza, also known as Ryu ga Gotoku (龍が如く, Like a dragon), is a game series created by Toshihiro Nagoshi and SEGA. The story follows the adventures of the main character Kazuma Kiryu. Starting his journey from an ordinary member of the Tojo clan in Yakuza 0 all the way to a legend of the criminal world in Yakuza 6. In general, the plot of all the games, although not very dependent on each other, still definitely position themselves as an interconnected series.
Yakuza simulator from Japanese developers
This game is a mixture of a dramatic main plot and truly weird side quests. Only in Yakuza can you take part in a criminal showdown and lose your old friend in it. And then, heading to the next plot, meet your fat double, who, using your legendary name, extorts money from unsuspecting citizens. Such a change of scenery could have a big impact on your impressions, but this is precisely the main charm.
Besides that the games in this series are able to captivate you with their side activities. All locations are full of various kinds of mini-games. From banal golf and darts to mahjong or poker. There are even entire arcades containing other Sega games. Also you can sing in karaoke, beloved by many players. For shopping you have konbini or the Japanese store chain Don Quijote. Streets with colorful signs, popular brandies, salarymen in costumes, ramen restaurants and much more immerse the player in real Japan.
The Yakuza video game series is relatively young - the first part was released back in 2005. Nevertheless, over the years the series has managed to acquire many excellent games. I believe that in principle there were no outright failures in this series, even despite the conveyor belt approach. There are simply weaker and stronger episodes. Now is the best time to get acquainted with the series, discarding prejudices and stereotypes.
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