Useful tips for aizuchi
1. Listening signals🚨
相槌 (aizuchi) means a signal to the other person that you are listening. It also indicates whether you are interested in conversation.
はい, ええ(Yes), そうですか, そうなんですか, なるほど(I see), たしかに (Certainly), へえ~(Huh~)
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2 Incorrect aizuchi 🙅
If you repeat the same words more than once, such as 「なるほど、なるほど」, it may sound annoying and make the other person uncomfortable. Also, avoid saying things like ふーん(Hmm) that sound like you are not interested. Also it is rude to use うん(Yeah), そうなんだ(I see), そっかあ(I see), へえー(Huh~) with people who are superior to you. Instead use expressions such as おっしゃるとおりですね(I see, you're right) or 私もそう思います(I think so too).
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3 Aizuchi on the phone📞
Japanese people get anxious when there is no response from the other person on the phone. So, it is important to use appropriate sounds such as はい, ええ(Yes), and そうなんですか(Is that so?).
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4 Aizuchi and voice 📈📉

If you don't set the tone in your voice, you can make it sound like you're not interested. For example, if you say そうなんですか(Is that so?) with the last part raised, it gives the impression that you are interested. However, if you say it with a lower ending, it gives the impression that you are not interested.
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5 Useful aizuchi 📝
The Japanese have aizuchi that convey your feelings, “I want to hear more about you” starts with “sa・shi・su・so” letters.
・Sa さすがですね(As expected of you)
・Si 信じられないです(I can't believe it)
・Su すごいですね(That's amazing)
・Soそうなんですか(I see)
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6 Facial expressions and movements 💃🕺
We also use facial expressions and movements to signal that we are listening. For example, opening your eyes wide shows that you are surprised or interested in what the other person is saying. When listening, avoid crossing your legs or hands as this can give the other person a feeling of intimidation or rejection.
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7 Meaning of はい 🙇
In Western countries, In Europe and the United States はい(Yes) means to accept or approve what is being said. In Japanese, it not only means “Yes” , but can also be used as “I'm listening to you”.
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What are your favorite aizuchi? Why? Share in the comments!
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