Greetings at the workplace
1. Greetings
Greetings are the first step in communication, and help to improve human relations. It is very important to greet colleagues you work with. Also, instead of waiting for someone to greet you, take the initiative and say hello in a bright voice. Whether you are feeling bad or good, try to greet people the same as always. The greeting has the meaning of "I know you are here." It is the beginning of a relationship.
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2. Situations
The first thing you say when you arrive at work is おはようございます ("Good morning."). Depending on the workplace, even if you come to work in the afternoon, the first greeting is おはようございます. If you go to work in the afternoon, you should generally say お疲れ様です (“Thank you for your hard work”) instead of こんにちは (“Hello”) to people in the office.

When you go out, you say to people in the office 行ってきます・行って参ります ("I'm leaving"). When your colleagues go out, you say to them 行ってらっしゃい ("Take care").

When you return to the office, let everyone know about it by saying ただ今戻りました・ただ今帰りました (”I came back''). When your colleagues come back from outside, you greet them by saying お帰りなさい (“Welcome home”) and お疲れ様でした (“Thank you for your hard work”).

When entering a meeting room or reception room, you should say 失礼します ("Excuse me"). When you leave a meeting room or reception room, say 失礼しました (“Excuse me”).

When you pass a colleague in the hallway say お疲れ様です (“Thank you for your hard work”). Or you can also just silent greeting by bowing. This is especially useful, when you feel that you are using too many greetings.

If you raise the corners of your mouth and smile when greeting someone, the other person will naturally smile as well. Don't forget that greetings are the basis of communication.
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How do you greet people at your workplace? Share in the comments!
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