How do Japanese manage working hours
1)Work hours
Working hours are determined by the work regulations of each company. Employment regulations are a set of rules that the company and employees must follow when working. When you join a company, you sign an employment contract with the company, and the employment contract is also based on the work regulations. It is important for both the company and employee to follow the rules of employment.
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Breaks are specified in the work regulations. Depending on your workplace, be sure to observe the start and end times. Breaks are times when you can rest your mind and body, but please be aware that they are still working hours. Do not do anything that will damage the reputation of the company, especially if you wear a company uniform or a name tag.
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3)Arriving late/Leaving early
Working hours are determined by the work regulations, so if you come late/leave early, you must notify the company. People around you will worry if you are not at the office after working hours. Also, to prevent your work from being affected, ask your co-workers to help you with your work in advance.
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