Considerate communication at work
1. Considerate
Cushion words are words used when making a request, asking a question that is difficult to hear, or conveying something that is difficult to say. If you use some cushion words, it helps you to convey the content of the conversation softly.
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2.Cusion words
When asking someone to do something inconvenient(不都合)
→ 恐れ入りますが
Excuse me, could you wait a moment?

When asking name and other personal informatio(個人情報)
Excuse me, but may I ask your name?

When the timing isn't right and their is no person/think you are looking for (求める)
Unfortunately, this product is sold out.

When refusing an invitation or offer (断る)
→ せっかくですが
Unfortunately, it is not convenient for me on that day, so I will withdraw.

When you think there is no mistake but want to check again (確認する)
→ 念の為
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3. Voice, facial expression, and attitude
It is very important what kind of voice you use and what kind of expression. For example, if you ask for permission to leave early and say, "I'm sorry," with a smile and a happy voice, the other person might doubt your words.
Also, when you ask the boss for a favor, it's rude to talk while you're sitting. Be sure to stand up and speak. Try to consider your words, voice, facial expressions, and attitude together.
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The reason why your appropriate voice, facial expression, and attitude fail may be the timing.
If you start talking about something that isn't urgent when your boss is about to leave, he/she will probably wonder, "Why are you talking about that now?". In order to have perfect timing, pay attention to the situation of the people around.
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5. Important
Using correct Japanese is very important. However, in the workplace, if you are not able to speak in a considerate manner, even if you are good at Japanese, you may come off as rude. So if you are aware of your words, voice, facial expressions, attitude, and timing, it will be easier for the other person to recognize your wishes.
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