About appearance at work (Part 2!)
3. Makeup
Makeup can be part of etiquette for working adults. Adjusting the skin tone so as not to create discomfort for others, and to wear lipstick to create a healthy impression.
However, there are workplaces where cosmetics are prohibited for medical and food-related jobs, so please follow the rules of your workplace.
Also, excessive make-up does not suit the atmosphere of many workplaces.
Please observe what kind of makeup people around you are wearing at work.
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4. Odors
The smell is invisible, but it is one of the things that Japanese people worry about.
To get rid of the smell of sweat and body odor, it is good to take a bath or shower to keep your body clean, or use an antiperspirant.
Perfume may smell good to you, but may be unpleasant to others. Avoid wearing strong scented perfumes, especially when working.
Even at work, many people brush their teeth or chew gum after lunch, not to bring discomfort to the people around them.
Those who work in contact with customers should be especially careful.
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5. Be thankful
Many Japanese people don't say anything about their appearance, even if they don't like it. People hesitate to warn because they think it might hurt. So, let's thank those who took the trouble to warn us.
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Do you think it is important to take care of makeup and odors at work/school? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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