Important terms for when you visit a hospital
Japanese hospital terms tend to get very confusing, even for the locals. Whether it’s an emergency or just your annual check-up, familiarizing yourself with these words can make your life easier when filling out hospital forms. Most hospitals and clinics offer very little English help, but some clinics or hospitals with more foreign tourist traffic may offer the form in other languages, so make sure to ask at the check-in desk.

受付 (Uketsuke) - Reception Desk / Reception Counter
初診受付 (Shoshin Uketsuke) - First-time Visitor’s Reception Desk
予約受付 (Yoyaku Uketsuke) - (Appointment) Scheduling Desk
診察券 (Shinsatsuken) - Hospital Membership Card
診察室 (Shinsatsushitsu) - Examination Room
採血 (Saiketsu)・採血室 (Saiketsushitsu) - Blood Test ・ Blood Testing Room
会計窓口 (Kaikei Madoguchi) - Cashier / Payment Desk
医者 (Isha) - Doctor
看護師 (Kangoshi)・看護婦 (Kangofu) - Nurse
患者 (Kanja) - Patient

For a more thorough list of terms (including face and body parts, common symptoms, and medication), check out .

Most doctors in Japan specialize in only one or two specific areas; there is rarely a general practitioner at a hospital. Because of this, you will be asked which department you need to go to. If you don’t know what department you need to consult, ask someone working at the front desk (someone may speak English).

The following website offers a list of resources that help foreigners access medical care in Japan.

The following offers a list of hospitals in Osaka with English-speaking providers.

In most situations (aside from a medical emergency or scheduled surgery), it will be more convenient for you to visit a clinic or branch in your area. A quick Google Maps or Google search should bring up a list of doctors in your area. As mentioned earlier, most doctors are specialists so make sure to search for a specific type of care, such as dermatology or dentistry. With insurance coverage, medication and services provided by a doctor will be much cheaper than medication that can be purchased at your local drug store or pharmacy without a prescription.
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